The Acquisitions Table: Aristotle’s Master-piece

Aristotle’s Master-piece, Completed. In Two Parts.The First Containing the Secrets of Generation… The Second Part being a Private Looking-Glass for the Female Sex. New-York: Printed for the Company of Flying Stationers, 1812. Aristotle’s Masterpiece is a fascinating hybrid text.  It used the veneer of a supposed classical author (Aristotle really had about as much to ...

Have You Seen This Woman?

The following conundrum for Past is Present readers comes from AAS reader Mary Fissell. I’m writing a book about Aristotle's Masterpiece, and have just spent a couple of very productive and happy weeks working with the AAS’s collection of 50+ editions. This book, neither by Aristotle, nor a masterpiece, is one of the longest-running popular medical ...